
My path to becoming a Software Engineer

Non-Relational Databases / NoSQL Databases.

Relational / SQL databases

Expressway to a Backend

If you follow my blog you may have read my talk about Node.JS and how awesome it is and how many problems it solves. If you havent check it out here. In there I talk about how Node is a runtime for JavaScript and how it can be used to create a backend or api. I even include and example on a REST api.

What the heck is Node.JS???

If the title is not a dead give away today Im going to be talking about Node.js. I have been exploring how it works and practicing with it for a few days now and I want to bring some light on this subject. I have notice that node is a tool that I deffinatly overlooked and gets washed away in other technologys, however It is vital to alot of these technologys being able to run. Lets take a look.

Ruby or JavaScript

Over the last year I have been attending Flatiron Schools Software Engineering program. This program includes learning the basics of two very different programimg languages Ruby and JavaScript. While they are both popular and powerful languages, they have major differences. In this blog post I am going to compair the syntax of the two languages.